Contact Us

You can use the contact form on our “About” page, or use the form below regarding any tool that interests you.
Please make sure you complete all the information asked for including a contact number otherwise we will not be able to reply.

Tel: 01235 763987

Coming in very soon a well equipped  EMC FB2 mill on makers cabinet stand with drip try, in very good condition.  Call for details

Bushing Tool required, K W M or Bergeon would be ideal, as complete as possible with cutters broach`s, gauge and bushes in good condition.  Money waiting for the best example. Also Chronos/Boyle/Corrie or any wheel or pinion cutting engines,  Money awaits the best example.


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About Pennyfarthing Tools

Pennyfarthing Tools Ltd was established in 1993. It has gained an enviable reputation in supplying top quality tools and machinery at realistic prices. We have become the first point of contact when searching for specialist and hard to find items, this is one of our key services. We have moved to a new storage facility at the Steventon depot which is on the Steventon – Hanney road, its about 6 miles from Wantage. Please call us before you wish to visit and let us know what you are looking for so we may check our stock so  a wasted journey is avoided.

If you are a first time buyer looking for reliable and practical advice from Time Served Qualified engineers with a wealth of experience to help you make the right choice for your hobby or business then please give us a call.

Our contact times are:

Monday – Friday 10am- 5pm

Wednesday Closed

Saturdays 10am -2pm

Any other times by arrangement.

Should you wish to visit the warehouse you will need to contact us first. (We might not be there).

We will then send you directions and a map of our location.

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