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We will be at the Birmingham clock and watch fair this Sunday the 16th March. lots of interesting things  and all our usual range of collets and fine tools.

Bushing Tool required, K W M or Bergeon would be ideal, as complete as possible with cutters broach`s, gauge and bushes in good condition.  Money waiting for the best example. Also Chronos/Boyle/Corrie or any wheel or pinion cutting engines,  Money awaits the best example.


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This  simple and versatile wheel cutting  engine must have been used by many amateur and expert horologist to produce many hundreds of wheels for clocks. Sadly no longer in production this could be bought complete or as a kit of parts, and then added to with different count wheels. A pinion cutting attachment was available  as an option and could still be fitted to this model if found. this machine comes with the following:-

  1. D62 count plate
  2. D64 count plate
  3. D66 count plate
  4. onn the revers of the D64 plate the following pinion counts are drilled :- 12. 10. 9. 8. 7.  6. and 63
  5. Large cutter frame will take fly cutters and 7mm wheel cutters
  6. spare large frame
  7.  1 small cutter frame with fly spindle
  8. 1 small cutter spindle to take 7mm wheel cutters
  9. 6 fly cutters various shapes
  10. 5 fly cutter blanks
  11. 3 large bore home made wheel cutters
  12. Spare belting
  13. Mains 240 volt motor with 3 speed pulley

This wheel engine has know been sold

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