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Tel: 01235 763987

Bushing Tool required, K W M or Bergeon would be ideal, as complete as possible with cutters broach`s, gauge and bushes in good condition.  Money waiting for the best example. Also Chronos/Boyle/Corrie or any wheel or pinion cutting engines,  Money awaits the best example.


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A meduim sizes Staking set by SALVO comes with the following:-

38 Punches L/H side 38 Punches R/H side 24 Anvils 6 Assorted punches in box base

the Plate on the punch block has no cracks and has been well looked after by its previous owner.


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Depthing Tool

This older depthing tool has the capacity to take wheels of 80mm in diameter and can be used on small carriage, Bracket and mantel clocks.

SOLD at the Brunel Clock and watch Fair 16 th September

Depthing Tool


A medium size Depthing tool suitable for small carriage, bracket and mantel clocks. This modern example has the ability to take 80mm diameter wheels.

Now sold