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Bushing Tool required, K W M or Bergeon would be ideal, as complete as possible with cutters broach`s, gauge and bushes in good condition.  Money waiting for the best example. Also Chronos/Boyle/Corrie or any wheel or pinion cutting engines,  Money awaits the best example.


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Depthing Tool

This older depthing tool has the capacity to take wheels of 80mm in diameter and can be used on small carriage, Bracket and mantel clocks.

SOLD at the Brunel Clock and watch Fair 16 th September

HILGER &WATTS Precsion Engineers Level

HILGER &WATTS Precsion Engineers Level

This well known maker of precsion instruments produced some of the best level and angle mesuring devices in the UK. This 12″ model has the following marked on the level tube.

0.00025″ in 10″ 0.0025 mm/m

Note: we cannot garantee that this calibration is correct.


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A very clean late example of this popular chest, will need a new key but otherwise is in exceelnt condition.

This chest is now sold

COWELLS VERTICAL SLIDES. Unkown Vertical Horizontal Dividing Head

COWELLS VERTICAL SLIDES. Unkown Vertical Horizontal Dividing Head

Two Cowells vertical slides in good condition both of the same specification. The dividing head of unknown manufacture has the following divisions on the back drum 12. 48. 60. and 84. The face of the head is drilled and tapped for the location of a type 32 [Read more…]

PULTRA 10 8mm lathe

PULTRA 10 8mm lathe

This boxed used Pultra 10 has 24 assorted collets, a tip over tool rest, and a runner. The foot is not original. This would suit a model maker for executing fine sensative operations that a larger lathe does not give.

This has now been sold

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Depthing Tool


A medium size Depthing tool suitable for small carriage, bracket and mantel clocks. This modern example has the ability to take 80mm diameter wheels.

Now sold

8mm Star Lathe

8mm Star Lathe 22 collets T rest In box in good condition.

Price SOLD

6 mm lathe from the Telegraph construction and Maintence Co Ltd

6 mm lathe from the Telegraph Construction and Maintence Co Ltd

A very well preserved and complete 6mm watch lathe with a triangular bed configuration. Comes with the following specification :-

Five ring step chucks Box chuck 18 6mm collets Cross slide 3 jaw chuck with Brass scroll Drop bed Tool rest 2 Tubes of [Read more…]

Boley and Leinen Reform 8mm watchmakers lathe

Boley & Leinen Reform 8 mm watchmakers lathe

Boley and Leinen Reform 8mm watchmakers lathe. Lathe in original box with mounting foot, 10 collets and 5 step chucks. A second Box Contains a very comprehensive range of accssories inc:- Cross Slide withe quick release tool holder Tip Over tool rest Varios custom built peices inc gear cutter and drill holder 12 extra collets [Read more…]