A craftsman built dividing attachment for taking BCA Collets and and will fit the BCA mill and other small machines. Please contact Andrew Cowie for any further details on 07813 602414 .
Contact UsYou can use the contact form on our “About” page, or use the form below regarding any tool that interests you. Tel: 01235 763987 Bushing Tool required, K W M or Bergeon would be ideal, as complete as possible with cutters broach`s, gauge and bushes in good condition. Money waiting for the best example. Also Chronos/Boyle/Corrie or any wheel or pinion cutting engines, Money awaits the best example.
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BCA COLLETS A collection of 13 BCA collets with the following sizes 5/32, 2 off 7/32, 2 off 1/4, 11/32, 2off 3/8, 9/32 and 2.5mm, 6.0mm, 7mm, 7.5mm. The collection is to be sold as a whole. can be posted UK only. Please get in touch with Andrew Cowie on 07813 [Read more…] BCA / SIGMA COLLETS A new old stock BCA imperial collet set made by Crawford Collets from 1/32 – 21/64 in 64 ths. There is some slight oil/grease staining but otherwise in mint condition. We have checked them against the last specification and they meet that spec. Will post UK only Royal Mail special delivery [Read more…] B C A MK3 JIG BORER/MILLER This is an imperial model of the late MK3 machine SN RK610.3E built at the Mill near Redhill aerodrome. The machine is in very good condition with no bent handles and very little backlash on the feedscrews ,the slides show [Read more…] |
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